SOAR for Managers
Welcome to the 2025 program for new and emerging women managers! Please read the instructions below before completing the registration form.
You will select one cohort you want to attend. The following are the registration deadlines for each cohort:
Cohort 1: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Cohort 2: Monday, June 9, 2025
Cohort 3: Tuesday, August 5, 2025
Cohort 4: Monday, September 29, 2025
1. Identify the women managers in the organization for participation. Multiple participants within a company should not be in the same direct reporting line.
Who makes an ideal participant for this program? Here is the experience level we recommend:
Managers with 1-2 years of experience OR
Individual contributors transitioning to manager
2. If you have any questions regarding this registration, please email Kim Stone-Yonts,
3. By submitting this registration, agreement to the following is acknowledged:
You must be committed to the program.
You must have the full support of your company and your supervisor.
You are responsible for completing any and all coursework.
100% attendance is expected.
If you fail to attend or discontinue the program for any reason, you will not graduate from the program and will not receive a tuition refund.
The company will be assessed a fee for the reissue of any licensed assessments and classroom materials that may be necessary.
4. Upon submission of the registration, participants and their supervisors will receive an email registration confirmation and further information regarding the program.
5. Meeting Dates: There will be 4 cohorts for 2025 and below are the first meeting dates for each cohort. Please view the full cohort calendar here.
Cohort 1: Tuesday, April 8, 2025
Cohort 2: Monday, June 16, 2025
Cohort 3: Tuesday, August 12, 2025
Cohort 4: Monday, October 6, 2025
6. Time Commitment and Details:
4 month leadership learning journey
8 live virtual meetings
two 2-hour meetings per month for a total of 8 meetings and 16 hours of learning
All meetings will begin at 8:00 AM EST
More detailed information will be provided in the confirmation email
7. Tuition is $3,250 per participant which includes all course materials and your first year membership in SOAR+, the exclusive alumni learning platform.
8. An electronic invoice for tuition payment will be sent to the individual designated on the registration form and is due upon receipt.