Leadership development that rises to the occasion
As an industry-leader provider of creating thriving cultures for organizations through accelerating and diversifying leadership pipelines. We know what your women and minorities need to grow, perform, and advance. Despite women and minorities possessing leadership skills and ambition, they still face obstacles and biases in reaching positions of power and influence.
We focus on the four key challenges that keep women and minorities from advancing
Lack of a defined
career path
business acumen
Less exposure and
access than their peers
Unawareness of
leadership potential
SOAR for Women
Organizations with higher gender diversity are 25% more profitable.
SOAR for Black Men
Organizations that are more racially and ethnically diverse are 36% more likely to financially outperform companies that aren’t.
SOAR for Black Women
49% of Black women feel that their race or ethnicity will make it harder for them to get a raise, promotion, or chance to get ahead.
SOAR for Managers
Managers with strong leadership skills can increase employee engagement by up to 70%, resulting in higher retention rates and improved team outcomes.
SOAR for Organizations
Engaged employees deliver 57% more effort than uncommitted ones, and businesses with diverse teams tend to see greater engagement, innovation and productivity.
Engaged with their work
Empowered to create value
Equipped to lead your organization into the future